Great music in a great space.

Bringing singers together from across Oklahoma City to perform masterworks of the choral repertoire in one of the finest venues in the state.

Small time commitment.

With no regular rehearsals, singers learn the music on their own time, and the ensembles meets for a few rehearsals prior to the concert to polish and shape the performance.

The Kemp Concert Choir is made up of volunteer singers from throughout the Oklahoma City metro area.

  • In order to ensure a balanced ensemble, potential singers are asked to audition. This short, no-stress process will only last ten minutes. Since the singers in the Kemp Concert Choir learn their music on their own time, auditioning singers will be given a short excerpt to prepare in advance to sing at the audition. Auditionees may also be asked to vocalize or to sing a familiar song.

  • Since the singers in the Kemp Concert Choir prepare their music on their own, rehearsal times are kept to a minimum and are focused on polishing and shaping the music. Potential singers must commit to attending all the scheduled rehearsal and performance times.
    See the bottom of this page for a detailed schedule.

  • In addition to the many great online resources (like, there will be several optional sectional and full rehearsals to help singers learn notes, rhythms and pronunciation.

Schedule Your Audition

Auditioning for the Kemp Concert Choir is an easy, no-stress process! Prepare the music for your voice part from this short excerpt linked above. There are many online resources to help you learn the music, including cyberbass.

Rehearsal schedule
for the Duruflé Requiem.


Friday, November 1st, 2024—7:00-9:30pm
Saturday, November 2nd, 2024—10:00am-12:30pm (dress)

Sunday, November 3rd, 2024—4:00pm